Regulate & tax online casinos at point of access

The United Kingdom is currently undergoing a review of online gambling which could see changes to the Gambling Act to introduce regulation and taxation for online gambling services offered to UK located customers. (so called point of access taxation/regulation) The proposals were announced in the summer of 2011 by Gambling Policy Minister John Penrose and the treasury.

Currently online companies are located in low tax havens but enjoy "white listing" status enabling them to advertise and promote gambling products to UK citizens without being subject to UK taxes or regulation by the Gambling Commission.

@GamblingHurts is particularly concerned about the massive growth in technology based forms of gambling such as online or mobile phone based sites and their ability to advertise highly addictive products often with very high stake and prize levels and with limited protection for problem gamblers and minors. 

In addition @GamblingHurts would like to see this discussed at European policy level to have a more coordinated approach across Europe for taxation and regulation of the gambling industry and to protect problem gamblers and minors from access to online gambling services.

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