Saturday, May 12, 2012

Casinos on your doorstep - are you concerned for your child's future?

In Bratislava the number of casinos (called Herňa) that are opening up almost everyday in residential areas is quite alarming. These casinos have wall to wall VLTs (electronic gambling machines) where you can play slots, roulette, poker and other gambling games NONSTOP.
Jackpots of upto 10,000 Euro are on offer, very tempting in a country where the average wage is about 500 Euros a Month.
The gambling machines are designed to rake money in quickly with the machine accepting high value denominations to at least 100 Euro notes, and some even taking 500 Euro notes. In addition the machines offer high speed of play, and repeat bet functions making it very easy to lose thousands of Euros an hour.
The Slovak Gambling Act 2005 and subsequent amendments makes no mention of problem gambling or addiction and there is limited enforcement of the Act in respect of underage gambling. In addition there is limited public discussion or awareness of gambling addiction.
Casinos on your doorstep - are you concerned for your child's future?


  1. That is horrifying Tony! This sounds like the worst facets of every gambling system...and Australia's is BAD enough on its own....have been rolled into one here! Interesting that no mention was made of problem gambling the set-up? Sad...ty for the heads up xoxo

    1. It is horrifying! Many Slovak people feel strongly against all this gambling opportunity but the government has its sums done all wrong and is addicted to short term gains through taxation. BUT at what cost for the future?
